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so insignificant中文是什么意思

用"so insignificant"造句"so insignificant"怎么读"so insignificant" in a sentence


  • 如此无用


  • Mrs. molson was so insignificant that no one had ever noticed what she was like .
  • What idea comes into your mind ? what dream ? it may seem so insignificant or totally impossible
  • One had only to look at her there by the side of that daughter of hers , sitting so insignificant and constrained on her footstool
  • That dairy - house , so humble , so insignificant , so purely to him a place of constrained sojourn that he had never hitherto deemed it of sufficient importance to be reconnoitred as an object of any quality whatever in the landscape ; what was it now
  • Inspiration of this painting came from a patch of grass in front of master s tent . everyday she watched the blades of grass , so carefree , gently sway in the wind . in comparison , grass is so insignificant ; and yet it seems to be so peaceful , blissful and unaware of all the worldly troubles
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